Healing sanctuaries that embraced the arts, simple nutrition, guided meditation and dream interpretation in practice originated in ancient times; however, these activities are also offered in the best spas and recuperative centers across the world today. In other words, they have withstood the test of time as essential components of what constitutes a therapeutic healing environment. Our chapter is written in two parts. In Section 26.2, we examine how art and creativity have remained consistent features of our models of mind and the clinical encounter over time. An important anchor to the proceeding chapter discussion is noting when and where linguistic conventions of artists and scientists diverged in significant ways, and how those divergences are reflected in our models of mind. In Section 26.3, we report on new software and devices that embody our ideal design processes and involve creative participation on the part of the users. While broad in scope, the chapter suggests that creative design, creative collaboration and creative expression underlie most worthy human accomplishments and are the driving forces behind both personal and cultural development. If these activities lead us forward in our thinking and doing, then they are also powerful forces for self-healing that can’t be ignored. Our chapter content is limited to analysis of Western milestones and the last two centuries.