The model for chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) has evolved and expanded with the advent of transcriptomics. CIRS is a multisystem, multi-symptom illness caused by water-damaged buildings and resulting inflammagens such as actinobacteria, endotoxins and mold. One form of CIRS comes from Lyme disease, which does not resolve with a typical course of antibiotics. Other sources of CIRS include cyanobacteria and ciguatera. Confirmation of CIRS comes from visual contrast sensitivity, symptoms, proteomics and transcriptomics, and volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), NeuroQuant. The Biotoxin Pathway has provided a template to understand how CIRS disrupts neuroregulatory pathways, coagulation factors and T regulatory cells. Transcriptomics can provide a unique fingerprint for the subtypes of CIRS, confirm hypometabolism and even tailor treatment for the individual.