Cancer is a type of illness that may begin in any body tissue or organ and spread to other tissues when abnormal cells multiply unchecked, invade nearby regions of the body, and/or move to other body organs. Cancer is a major problem, causing remarkable deaths in both developing and developed countries. Prevention is better than cure as cancer therapies include harmful radiation treatments, huge side effects of medication in long run, and so on. Much research has presented evidence that there is a lower risk of cancer with a high intake of vegetables and fruits. The presence of a variety of phytochemicals, such as curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, isothiocyanate, lycopene, and resveratrol in plant-based commodities, work in combination with chemotherapy and radiation and act as chemoprotective agents. These phytochemicals are also used in monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs. Researchers are also continuing to search for less toxic, less harmful, healthy treatment approaches based on plant-based chemical compounds for prevention and treatment of the various types of cancers.