Diabetes mellitus is one of the major health issues of today’s world and is becoming a serious threat worldwide. It is a complex metabolic disorder and is associated with the imbalance in the regulation of blood sugar, carbohydrate, protein, and lipid which results in the damage of many parts of the body, particularly the blood vessels and nerves. According to WHO, “Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by a deficiency in production of insulin by inherited and/or acquired trait, or due to ineffectiveness of the insulin produced.” The use of conventional drugs to treat this metabolic disorder has some pathological consequences, complications, and side effects. The use of potential medicinal plants and herbal drugs may act as an alternative economical source of treatment that has fewer side effects. India is known for its wealth of medicinal plants since the times of Ayurveda for the management of different diseases including diabetes. Ajuga sp. is one such genus having known antidiabetic values. This chapter focuses on the different Ajuga sp., its ethnobotanical uses, and its antidiabetic potential.