Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Clinical Neurological Sciences, London Health Sciences Centre, University Campus, London, Ontario, Canada


Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is currently the gold standard for the accurate measurement of carotid artery bifurcation stenosis. The supremacy of this invasive technique is being strongly challenged as the quality, reliability, and validity of the less-invasive modalities such as duplex carotid ultrasound (DUS), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and computed tomographic angiography (CTA) steadily improve. This chapter will briefly review the current status of DSA for the investigation of carotid bifurcation stenosis, including the common angiographic appearances of atherosclerotic disease and the risks of the procedure. Magnetic resonance angiography and CTA will also be discussed, and their current relationship to DSA will be reviewed. Duplex carotid ultrasound is covered in another chapter. Finally, recommendations for carotid imaging in the future will be made.