It was probably in 1990 that we were shown the videos of Blumenthal’s technique. Many surgeons took an instant liking to the concept of ‘Hydrodynamic’ delivery of the nucleus. There has been no looking back since then. The band of followers of this particular technique has been steadily growing. As Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) gains more popularity, several techniques have emerged, only to be tried and discarded later. Blumenthal’s technique is among the few to have withstood the test of time. Perhaps because of it’s tremendous ‘replicability’. I mean that if the steps are followed correctly, there is no reason why every surgeon’s results would not be comparable! There also is a wonderful flexibility to the whole technique. Each surgeon can adapt or modify steps to suit his “comfort zone”. And adaptability with the times is a

feature too. Initially doing it under peribulbar, Dr. Blumenthal himself is now performing this surgery under topical anesthesia plus a little superior subconjunctival lidocaine!