Working is central to the life of most healthy adults. It affects where

they live, who their friends are and how they feel about themselves.

Many regard their careers as expressions of their identity and part of

their purpose in life. Schizophrenia is a disabling mental condition that

usually disrupts a person’s working life and, because it is a disorder with

an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, it often interferes with the

normal development of a career and worker identity. As people with

schizophrenia attempt to adjust to their new reality of medications,

painful refractory symptoms and profound uncertainty about their

future, their efforts at recovery may be hampered by a lack of appropri-

ate opportunity for productive activity. Since schizophrenia may attack

a person’s motivation and sense of purpose, as well as cause positive

symptoms like paranoia and hallucinations, a person with this disorder

may become discouraged about ever finding a place in the world of
