The role of the diet in health has changed as scientific knowledge has increased (Figure 32.1). The basic foundation lies in a healthy, balanced diet that follows the dietary recommendations and guidelines appropriate for age and life-stage with the aim of meeting the metabolic requirements and the needs for growth and development in children. The first goal of nutritional management is directed towards the prevention of direct dietrelated deficiencies, such as scurvy caused by low

vitamin C intake. The second target is the prevention of nutrition-related chronic diseases. For example, an unbalanced diet containing excessive amounts of saturated fatty acids has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, specific requirements for nutritional management are set by a variety of diseases necessitating carefully planned diets or usage of clinical dietary products. The current research interest is directed towards the invention of novel dietary compounds with specific effects in health promotion and management of diseases beyond the nutritional impact of food.