Since the discovery of radium, the medical community has been interested in the

use of unsealed radioactive isotopes to target and treat cancer and benign sys-

temic and loco-regional proliferative conditions such as arthritis. Lack of effec-

tive systemic agents, such as chemotherapy during the early period of modern

oncology, coupled with the intention to use targeted therapy for treating cancer

made radioisotopes an option for use in cancer. Radioactive iodine-131

(I-131), because of abundant beta and gamma emissions and normal physiologi-

cal uptake of elemental iodine in the thyroid gland, was the most logical choice

for treating a number of thyroid disorders. Radioactive phosphorous-32 (P-32)

made its way into nuclear medicine therapy, mainly because of the ubiquitous-

ness of phosphorous in many biological molecules. It comes as no surprise that

it was the first agent utilized in treating hematological malignancies. Since that

time, several new isotopes were identified and clinical uses were explored.

Advances in scientific research, systematic clinical trial design, and consideration

of the properties of radiopharmaceuticals have resulted in finding new effective

therapy agents.