Systematic evaluation of photosensitive patients includes a thorough history, physical examination, phototesting, and as needed, photopatch testing and laboratory evaluation. Systematic evaluation of patients with photosensitivity is an important step in establishing the appropriate diagnosis. Thorough history-taking with special attention to the relationship between sun exposure and the features of the skin eruption is an important step in the evaluation of photosensitivity. Phototesting is an integral part of the evaluation of the photosensitive patient. Evaluation immediately after the exposure is performed to detect the development of solar urticaria. Photopatch testing is performed in the evaluation of the photosensitive patient in whom photo-allergic contact dermatitis is suspected. Such testing involves the application of duplicate sets of photoallergens on uninvolved sites of the skin, usually on the upper back. A systematic approach to the evaluation of the photosensitive patient should lead to the appropriate diagnosis.