In Asian cultures, especially among women, fair and unblemished skin is highly valued. Therefore, in Asian countries, many of which are in the tropical or subtropical area, photoprotection is used to minimize tanning and dispigmentation. Photoprotection includes the avoidance of sunlight during the peak UVB hours, the use of sunscreen on exposed areas, wearing of a hat, and sunglasses. The concept of sun protection factor was developed by Franz Greiter in 1962, and adopted by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1978. In the United States, sunscreens are regulated as over-the-counter medications by the FDA. In order for a new ultraviolet (UV) filter to be included in the monograph, a New Drug Application needs to be made, a process that may take years. UV protectiveness of clothing is assessed by the UV protection factor. This is an in vitro measurement combining the UV transmission data with two weighing factors, solar spectral irradiance and erythema effectiveness at each UV wavelength.