Application of broad-spectrum sunscreens along with garment is part of the proper photoprotection strategy. Even the best sunscreen or sunproof clothing let pass some Ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Since UVR induces reactive oxygen species in the skin, radical scavenging by antioxidants is part of a good photoprotection strategy. Besides topical UV protection and radical scavenging, there is a third part of photoprotection strategy that becomes increasingly more important. Sunscreen assessment methods and standards assure transparency among products, and thus also lead to better photoprotection. In addition to sun avoidance and sunproof clothing, topical sunscreens remain an important part of any photoprotection strategy. Topical and systemic products that act as antioxidants or help the repair of the skin become valuable supplements in photoprotection. Sunscreen manufacturers have several basic requirements on sunscreen actives, which all must be fulfilled by the existing and new ingredients before they can be incorporated in a final product.