Optimum resuscitation and evaluation of the trauma patient involves a repetitive, systematic approach. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Advanced Trauma Life Supportw

(ATLSw) course provides a framework for the systematic evaluation of injured patients which involves primary and secondary surveys of the patient (1). The primary survey (PS) (Volume 1, Chapter 8) is designed to recognize and treat immediately life-threatening conditions within the first few minutes of the patient’s arrival. The secondary survey (SS) is described as a head-to-toe examination, including tubes and fingers in every orifice, and is intended to diagnose all injuries before formulating a definitive management strategy. A tertiary survey (Volume 1, Chapter 42) should also occur and is typically conducted in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU), after the patient returns from surgery or the resuscitation suite (2), and serves as an additional screen to decrease the risk of missed injuries.