DC Receptors and Their Expression by Different DC Subtypes DCs express a large number of endocytic receptors capable of mediating adsorptive uptake. Many of these are C-type lectins, which can either be type II transmembrane proteins with a single, carboxyl terminal lectin domain, for example, Langerin/ CD207, DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3 grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN)/CD209, BDCA-2, DC-associated C-type lectin-1 (Dectin-1), DC inhibitory receptor-2 (DCIR-2), or type I proteins with multiple lectin domains, for example, mannose receptor (MR)/CD206, DEC-205/CD205. Additional endocytic receptors are FcgRs, which mediate presentation of immune complexes and antibody-coated tumor cells on both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II. DCs also capture dying cells, although the precise receptors that are employed are a subject of current research.