Compression neuropathies are a diverse group of neural conditions. They share a commonality: a reduction of the perineural space necessary for normal function. The tissue pressure generally increases on the affected nerve. Vascularity is variably compromised resulting in neural ischemia. If the situation does not resolve in a very timely fashion, that is, if the anatomic structures are not released, the compression and its effects may become chronic with a guarded prognosis for full recovery. Normal anatomy shows a certain predilection to nerve passage through restricted areas, and a number of natural motions require stretching of the nerves. Flexion activities of the hip may induce urogenital pain and chronic pelvic pain. This occurs more commonly in men who participated in heavy sports such as wrestling, weight lifting, football, and heavy bicycling as teenagers. Paget’s disease is a disease of old age with the predominant feature of bone remodeling resulting in softened bone and structural deformity.