Becker et al. completed a significant meta-analysis of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) procedures in 1989 and compiled the published complications of 4,662 PTAs including peripheral and renal procedures (brachiocephalic procedures were excluded).1 This report from the prestent era described an overall procedural risk of major or minor complications of less than 10.1%. This figure includes the risk of the following major complications: death, 0.23%; arteriovenous fistula, 0.09%; thrombus or embolism, 4.8%; and arterial rupture/perforation, 0.26%. Minor complications included a 3.7% risk of hematoma or pseudoaneurysm and a < 0.88% risk of transient acute tubular necrosis. The mortality rate in this study was 0.2%.