Basic Female Pelvic MR Anatomy MR images are routinely obtained in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes. By convention, coronal slices are presented with the subject facing the observer, axial images are presented with the subject’s feet closest to the observer, and sagittal images are presented with the subject facing to the left of the observer. Examples of these three slice orientations are illustrated in Figure 37.3 . Axial slices are obtained for best visualization of the puborectalis, the urethra, and the distal vagina; coronal slices best demonstrate the iliococcygeus portion of levator ani and also the external anal sphincter; midsagittal images are usually obtained in order to evaluate descent of the pelvic floor structures with straining versus rest or squeeze maneuvers. Oblique slices may also be collected, depending on the specific question to be answered.