In the UK, projections of the size and composition of the workforce are regularly reviewed by the Office of National Statistics, for the interest of policy makers, business and those involved in socio-economic trends. 1 The size of the working population is expected to continue to grow until 2020, although the rate of increase will decline, peaking at around 32 million. As demographic trends tend towards an aging population and social and economic policy (avoiding discrimination or for pension and benefit reasons) seek to promote opportunities for the older worker, the average working age is becoming greater. The shift in population age is also increasing the dependency ratio (those above working age expressed as percentage of those working). More than threequarters of adult men under the age of 65 years work (79 % in 2004), compared with around two-thirds of women (67 % in 2004), according to Equal Opportunities Commission data. Changes to the nature of work (decline in manufacturing, for example) and changes to legislative policy on discrimination and pensions issues underpin projected trends for future workforces to have greater equality of sex.