In memoriam to Lola Stefanovic: friend, we wish you were here. (The Age, 2000)

5 October 2000, 22:23. I’d like it so much if you were here, as well as all my other friends scattered around the world, so that we can be happy together. This day makes all the suffering worthwhile. The latest news is that three military planes took off towards the south. Together with the family, we hope. SB, Belgrade University Professor

5 October 2000, 23:45; I told you it will happen ….UC, architect

6 October 2000, 8:57…. at last what had to happen did happen! Walking the streets of Belgrade, looking at all those young people, the elderly and the kids, I asked myself why? Why all that had to happen to us, why we had to wait so long, to wait for what is just a basic human right… Yes, the House of Parliament was on fire, and TV Serbia was on fire but I, I who cannot stand destruction of any kind, for the first time in my life did not feel any remorse.… the damage to the Parliament is not major, and on the freed TV one can, at last, hear words that make sense, news that is news … People are, simply, happy because everything is over. Literally millions of people shouted that big, larger than ever, historic ENOUGH! I wish you were here, with us. A, architect

6 October 2000, 11:46. Don’t worry, everything is OK – I am really not sure if you can understand from TV reports how unbelievably magnificent all this was. Cheers! M, urbanist

6 October 2000, 17:48. At last Belgrade was exciting in a beautiful way. I hope this leads to a happy ending. No one still knows what is happening with Milosevic and his family. No one knows what is going on with the Serbian Government. But, the first step has been taken, and next steps will be easier. S, economist