It’s strange how an insignificant drawing can bring about so many meanings when you look at it attentively. The roots of this artwork come from an old oekaki that I drew as a gift for the birthday of some of my oekaki board friends (Fig.01). Two months later, a Canadian metal group, called The Dooks, asked me if I could illustrate one of their songs called Archaic. I decided to work on my oekaki, but this time using Photoshop 7. I had the feeling there was a great hidden potential behind this ugly drawing, first drawn with Paint BBS. Moreover, I wanted to introduce the character who is also named like my pseudo, Sixio, through a serious and meaningful picture. This piece had to tell the story of Sixio in the twinkling of an eye, by which I mean a child with an arrow in the head, roaming in an upset and dangerous world, but, at the same time, a very attractive world, like the flame of a candle that we want to take in our hands, even though it hurts…