Transportable media in all permutations of disks and tapes can't hold a candle to the power of the Internet, or its promise. Compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM) and the rest have the track record, the mature delivery systems, and experienced levels of creative talent on tap. The assailing Internet force is involved in a huge double envelopment with cable and phone lines but with nervously unsecured flanks. Even as CD-ROM continues to mutate into more efficient forms with greater capacity dictated by more sophisticated data compression techniques, a taste of its visual and audio dynamics is now appearing on the Internet. Microsoft entered the Internet sweepstakes late, but when they saw the light, they entered with typical elan and innovation. Caribiner Productions in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, uses the Internet and CD-ROM combination in trade show applications. The Internet provides the connectivity while the Web provides the most interesting and alluring content.