The ideal point person is high enough up the company flowchart to be able to make decisions, or to directly contact those lofty decision makers. The point person should fully understand the project's background, its ranking in the hierarchy of other projects that may be ongoing, and the project's ultimate desired result. The project point person is the conduit through whom all good and bad news flows. Self-preservation for this person must include constant updating of all people involved in project input—whether that input is information, visuals, or their own bodies on tape. Clients have made assumptions that since a piece of artwork exist as a computer file; it can be translated straight across into a computer-based project. Dealing with the company advertising agency or internal computer graphics department can lead to mind-numbing unforeseens. Graphic art that exists, such as logos, and statistical graphs, can be incorporated into multimedia programs, saving the cost of having the vendor's artists re-create them.