'The Principles of Inclusive Design' (CABE) encourage high quality, inclusive design in the built environment. In order to deliver inclusive environments, the principles of inclusive design must be integrated into the design process from first principles. Making environments easy to use for everyone requires consideration other than just physical factors. These include signage/way-finding, visual contrast, controls and door furniture, and materials. Designing to provide access, whether physical or intellectual, will yield results that benefit the community at large. Many aspects of an inclusively designed environment will be helpful to all or most disabled people. In order to deliver the whole, it is useful to understand the diverse and complex nature of disability, recognising that degrees of disability vary greatly as do the combinative effect of multiple impairments. Wheelchair users need quite a lot of space to move comfortably and safely; people who walk with two sticks may require a wider circulatory route than someone using a wheelchair.