In the aftermath of the riots that hit Tokyo at the conclusion of the RussoJapanese War, the Japanese government embarked on a widespread campaign of re-indoctrination. The target was the seemingly frustrated public, and the means was mainly displays of military prowess. The campaign began with a ceremonial review of the returning navy on October 23, 1905, followed by a series of marches and victory parades in the capital, and reached its climax in a huge victory review in the presence of Emperor Meiji on April 30, 1906. On the morning of that spring day, the 54-yearold monarch surveyed the vast spoils of enemy armaments arranged in precise order. Dressed in a new khaki uniform, he then passed through a triple triumphal arch 18.5 meters high that had been erected in honor of the event, and strode toward another grand spectacle. Waiting for him in the outer square were more than 30,000 soldiers, representing the 17 Japanese divisions that had taken part in the combat, as well as about 40,000 dignitaries and invited spectators.1