There is now in the world a multitude of states. They all seek to perpetuate their national organisations for a myriad years. They desire an unbroken celebration of their festivals and anniversaries. Although such is the universal hope of those who establish nations it is nevertheless an exceedingly difficult thing to realise. In the Sengoku era the country of Shin dominated the whole earth, yet through lack of great vassals this supremacy was soon lost. Such ex;amples are frequently met with in the history of the world. How can they avoid disaster who have no carefully considered plan for the future? How can they avoid failure who heedlessly undertake the business of ruling and merely dream of perpetuating imperial power? Even the

establishment of the most ephemeral state requires the most strenuous effort on the part of its founders. To have founded solidly an Imperial rule which has endured for a myriad years, and to have maintained throughout the success of such a vast undertaking may well seem unbelievable, yet no one acquainted with the facts can deny that there is such a country.