W H O would be satisfied with primitive conditions or for ever content with a barbarous state of society? As soon as men have energy to spare above the necessities

of bare existence they cultivate literature and morals. In the present age the number of those who devote themselves to learning and the search for truth increases daily. From the university at the top to the primary school at the bottom the various phases of the educational system have been carefully arranged. From the studies which require special research to the most ordinary sciences everything has been provided for. Civilisation and culture are daily advanced and their refinements grow ever more common until the atmosphere of culture extends throughout the whole land. How glorious is this spectacle! In this day, when like a myriad raging torrents mingling their tumultuous waters the civilisations of the world contend for mastery and in the midst of fierce competition develop their knowledge, enhance their refinement and gain fame and renown, in this day wherein all nations compete upon the stage of living human affairs in a vigorous display of their abilities, we cannot endure to fall behind or to be superseded. No sacrifice or hardship is too great if we are thereby enabled to achieve our objective and ride our steed triumphantly to the summit of Mount GO.I We who have such an ideal before us must strive to realise it, never permitting relaxation in the quest or allowing ourselves to fall into the luxury of idle habits. Coursing ever forward upon the tide of world progress, in the rank of the five great powers, the glorious destiny of our Empire displays to-day a more brilliant success than in any previous epoch of our history. To-day we take our place triumphantly and successfully in the midst of

those fierce contentions of international competition. How great must be the effort of those upon whom rests the responsibility of achieving and realising our national progress.