I\.L the phenomena of society undergo alteration. On the one hand are seen evolution and progress and on the other degeneration and decay. Although the course

and tendency may differ the element of change is constant. With this constant change and the multiplication of activities which we see on every hand society enjoys prosperity and the people accumulate wealth. Therefore, we must always give strict attention to the extension and development of our affairs. How countless are the occupations to which we may devote ourselves! There is no limit to the material or intellectual activities through which we can contribute to the prosperity of the nation. On the one hand we devote ourselves to a careful preservation of the arts of the past while on the other we welcome new activities. While improving the methods of the past we profit also by the study of new inventions. Thus our civilisation grows daily more refined, the social organisation is perfected, and the interests of the nation advanced. Such tasks constitute our true duty and are, at the same time, the sacred will of our Emperor.