This herb is the root and rhizome of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., G. inflata Bat., or G. glabra L. of the Leguminosae family. Grown in Inner Magnolia and the Gansu, Shanxi, and Xinjiang provinces of China, it is also found throughout all regions of Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. It is harvested in spring and autumn, sliced after removal of the residual stem and rootlets, dried in the sun, and used unprocessed or stir baked with honey (Dong et al., 1998). https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203050040/86743b54-459f-4502-a9f1-33f21b13726a/content/figpg106_001_B.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>