This article examines three different approaches to lifestyle segmentation in improving the quality of tourism and leisure marketing decisions in three separate cases. Tourism and leisure products are prototypical lifestyle purchase yet in many tourism research studies visitors are described by demographics or tourism behaviour only. These cases illustrate different approaches to lifestyle segmentation. Firstly, there are segmentation schemes based on external logic that can be broadly applied across a range of markets, including tourism and leisure. Alternatively, there are schemes that are based on a ‘conversation’ with the data and which rely on an internal logic within that data that may not transfer to other market contexts. Between these two lie 122schemes that apply external paradigms to specific datasets. The cases selected illustrate points along this spectrum.

The first case study examines the use by government tourism organizations of lifestyle segmentation ‘bought in’ from an external source. Here lifestyle segmentation data is collected from a representative sample of the Australian population as part of a commercial “single source” data set. The second case is based on a regional tourism study, which has utilized prior theory to develop its own lifestyle segmentation and at the same time related this to boarder characteristics of tourists in Tropical North Queensland. The third case examines the development of tailored lifestyle segmentation among ‘event’ spectators based onpurely internal criteria unrelated to the broader population. These cases provide insight into the appropriate development and application of lifestyle segmenta- tion and the use of the data by tourism and leisure managers. Managers may think about the type of lifestyle segmentation approach required based on how the segmentation scheme results need to be related to the wider market or population. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-8OO-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivery@haworthpress.com> Website: <https://www.haworthpress.com> © 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]