This chapter discusses how an ecoculture might persist in this context, despite these challenges and because of a community's strong social and ecological capital. Key to resilience for this community is returning to country, with lessons that may have applications for other communities struggling to maintain their ways of life in the face of multiple challenges. The BYB vision for the Nyungkal people begins with returning to country. Returning to country supports the revitalisation of custodial stewardship roles and encourages intergenerational knowledge transfer, renewing respect by the younger generation for the role of the rangers. Furthermore, engagement of Aboriginal people in expressing their culture to shape the heritage discourse to meet their requirements is an empowering process that supports cultural resilience. The Wet Tropics of Queensland represents an integral part of indigenous Australian cultural, social, religious and spiritual values. By building social capital and maintaining natural capital, the Kuku Nyungkal rangers are building resilience to current and future global challenges.