The following is an extract from a discussion between two sixteen-year-old pupils who were working together on solving a problem in a secondary school classroom. [1] John

Ok, there, there’s the … /

[2] Susan

/ … transformer. Do the transfer arrow.

[3] John

There are several to be done. One there. Should we put another one there?

[4] Susan


[5] John

You see, it leaves from a reservoir and it comes back to a reservoir

[6] Susan

Is that right!?

[7] John

A reservoir to start with and a reservoir to end with

[8] Susan

Have we got two batteries, John?

[9] John


[10] Susan

Have we got two batteries??



[12] Susan

Then why do you say such rubbish?!

[13] John

What did we forget, then?

[14] Susan

But no. I. … You know there, it’s obvious that it’s like that. That’s what I thought. Look, there’s the wire. Wait … Me, I thought it was like that! That the two wires … you see, the energy goes out from there. It goes whooosshh across the two wires and arrives there. You understand? So that the two wires went like that and arrived there. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? I mean that it goes from there, like that: from the reservoir, there’s a wire that goes from the reservoir and it takes it to the bulb, you agree? And that’s the way it is. There’s the other wire, I’d have put it like that

[15] John

Yeah but that’s not right! Look at what they say: “an energy chain …” /

[16] Susan

/ I don’t give a damn

[17] John


[18] Susan

I’m telling you I don’t give a damn. For me, that’s the way it is.