Learning to learn has become a widely debated issue, both politically and among the international scientific community, yet confusion remains about the difference between learning and learning to learn. Furthermore, in the scientific literature there is little agreement concerning definitions of the latter concept. The aim of this chapter, therefore, is to describe learning to learn and identify its features through definitions taken from the literature. The ultimate goal is to provide a sound theoretical basis for the further study of learning to learn from an empirical perspective and for more precise use of this notion in diverse learning settings. The methodology is a literature review yielding 40 definitions from 90 studies examined. Other products of these analyses on learning to learn (including a concept map and a list of practical functions leading eventually to a meta-definition and a process and output model) are based upon subsequent elaboration of this material, and reference to international literature on learning to learn and to Maria Montessori’s works.

Learning to learn has become a widely debated issue, politically and among the international scientific community, yet confusion remains about the difference between learning and learning to learn. This chapter describes some degree of order in learning to learn theory, avoiding reducing it to an umbrella term for all purposes: this reductionist position could take the scientific power away from a potentially powerful concept. It provides theoretical updates to understanding of how learning to learn operates and a list of aspects to start from for its operationalization. The chapter presents a detailed account of methodological choices guiding the research, the products of the analysis of learning to learn definitions and models. An example of the socio-cultural-historical approach to learning to learn: is a developmental process in which peoples conceptions of learning evolve and become consciously available to systematic analysis and review.