Once upon a time a fairy tale miller had a daughter who was so bright that her reputation even reached the king. The king called the girl to his palace. He sent her a message to say that if she were really so bright, then she should visit him by going and not going there at the same time; she should greet and not greet the king at the same time; she should take a gift and not take a gift to the king at the same time. The girl thought the message over, then she took a pigeon, put it between two sieves and left for the royal court on the back of her father’s donkey. When she finally went up to the king, she did not say a word but curtsied so it could be taken as a greeting. While she was giving the basket to the king, she lifted the sieve and the pigeon flew off. So, she went there and did not go; she greeted the king and did not greet the king; she took him a gift and did not take him a gift – all at the same time.