As noted in Chapter 1 and the beginning of Chapter 13, it is a basic assumption of the book that the questions raised in the case chapters represent conundrums—tricky, puzzling problems for which there are no definitive answers. How then do we finish this book and ‘utter the last word’ when there are no final answers? We have chosen to bring the book to a close by introducing voices that have not been heard so far—the voices of pre-doctoral students. We present an account of the research project of five Masters students at Roskilde University in Autumn 2012, Sarah Sohl Rasmussen, Marianne Charlotte Hern, Louise Basse Friediger, Katrine Fossum Thurø Møller and Rikke Rask Hoffland (Rasmussen et al.). 1 Louise was their supervisor. In this final chapter, we describe how the five Masters students faced and reflexively dealt with concrete tensions in their research project.