Far from the major cities, in a sparsely traveled area of Arathi Highlands, a powerful druid named Sage hunts elemental fires at the Circle of West Binding. An experienced player would know from her armor that she has spent many hours battling in end-game dungeons and that few monsters in the area could hurt her. High-level players regard her as one of the most accomplished druids on the server, who leads one of the most accomplished guilds and raid groups. She gathers several creatures at a time, killing them systematically. After an hour, she has gathered twenty elemental fires—half of what she needs to restock her guild’s supply of Greater Fire Protection Potions for this weekend’s raid on Blackwing Lair. She just pulled about five creatures; her health is untouched, but even so, a level thirty-two dwarf joins the fight shouting, “I will save ye, lass!” Sage finishes the fight with the dwarf’s ‘help’ and curtsies politely to him in greeting. He kneels, taking her hand and kissing it before running off to continue his adventures.