Say the word “teaching” and images of classrooms with the teacher standing at the front of the room and students’ sitting at desks is a traditional picture that would come to mind. Now, say the words “virtual world” and another image of computers and Internet-based instruction comes to mind. However, taking it a step further by saying “3D virtual world,” a few people might conjure up images of an interactive environment or think of the movie Avatar, but in many instances they would not put teaching and 3D virtual worlds together as a concept that could be an effective way for instructing and learning to take place. However, in an effort to establish a successful global workforce, educators must realize the importance of infusing digital literacy skills within their curriculum (Kay & Honey, 2005). With the nationwide movement to capture more students through flexible online courses, blended learning and wholly online programs, higher education institutions are challenged to meet curricular and programmatic needs of a growing student population that is accustomed to interacting in a rich social media environment.