Unconventional marketing is a term that describes transformational approaches that seek to turn entrenched assumptions of marketing on their head. Over the last 30 years, many nebulous epithets characterizing unconventional marketing have come into play, all more obfuscating than clarifying. The chapter off ers a conceptual framework which integrates these many epithets in a time perspective. The past wave of unconventional marketing, associated with guerrilla marketing, confronted the convention wherein the impact of a communication campaign should be directly proportional to the budget invested. Today's wave, associated with street marketing, breaks with the conventional wisdom that the field of marketing is confined to a home/pointof- sale dichotomy. The emergent third wave, concerning off ers being consumer-made, will confront a prevalent marketing convention born of the economy itself: the separation between the production and consumption spheres. On this basis, the chapter introduces a specific research agenda paving the way for the future.