This chapter is concerned with the unique qualities that develop to distinguish the individual child from others, the qualities that contribute to the growth of personality. The goal is to understand the aspects of developing individuality that the child brings to the social world. It is important to note, however, that “the individual child” does not really exist except in the mind of the theorist. From the moment of conception throughout life, a person’s growth is promoted by the influences of others, beginning with the quality of prenatal care and continuing with the variety of social influences that guide developing thoughts, emotions, and personality throughout adulthood. Nor do developing people come as empty entities to these interactions. They bring with them temperamental predispositions, unfolding emotional capacities, and developing self-awareness that individualize each transaction with the social world. In this regard, considering “the individual child” involves asking what developing people bring to their encounters with family members, peers, the school, and community.