This edited collection was conceived from our passion for teaching and learning. We believe that some of the critical problems facing higher education in contemporary times require innovative techniques and novel pedagogical approaches. Each academic year seems to add new burdens to faculty already struggling to juggle quality teaching, impactful research and burgeoning service roles in an era of shrinking resources (both financial and human). Nonetheless, a cursory observation of some of the teaching and learning activities taking place within our institution alone gives plenty of cause for optimism. Faculty members with a passion for teaching and learning are doing amazing things to encourage student learning and engagement. This is happening despite the fact that high-quality teaching is often unrewarded in the context of an academic career, while the pressure to publish in high-quality journals intensifies annually. Like so many academics, we strive every year to find innovative and effective ways to engage our students, encourage them to be critical thinkers, acquire mastery of their subject discipline, equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to develop successful careers in business, and ensure they have the opportunity to develop as well-rounded individuals. This book is our attempt to draw together in one place some of the techniques being used in contemporary business school teaching. It provides a resource that we can all use when seeking to develop or reinvigorate our teaching. We hope you find it as stimulating to read as we found it to edit.