This chapter will critically discuss the vulnerability issues for people with learning difficulties that result in them being at risk to sexual abuse. The evidence surrounding this will be explored in relation to people with learning difficulties who are at risk of abuse, but also as actual and perceived perpetrators. Some research has identified people with learning disabilities to be predominantly vulnerable to physical and/or sexual abuse (see for example Sobsey 1994; White et al. 2003). The vulnerability of people with a learning disability is heavily dependent on the relationship between the individual and their social context (Blum et al. 2002). Why is a person with learning difficulties susceptible to sexual abuse and what measures are in place to support them in the prevention of sexual abuse? A systems approach will be applied in an attempt to analyse ‘why’ people with learning difficulties are vulnerable and how safeguards support them. Myths and attitudes towards this group will be critiqued along with legislation and policy measures that are meant to protect vulnerable people with learning difficulties.