In science studies of genomic technologies, the issue of how to categorise types and phases of development in biotechnology is far from settled. Some speak of a distinction between first and second generation genomics, some add a third generation, and some substitute ‘next generation’ for either the third or both the second and third generations of genomic products. In this chapter, the term ‘second generation’ will be used quite loosely to point to new rounds of innovation and progress in the development of transgenic crops and animals. The first lines focused mainly on reducing chemical input and increasing yields, for instance by introducing genes for pesticide tolerance, pest resistance, or accelerated growth. For the sake of simplicity I will not further distinguish between second and higher generations here. Second generation genetically modified (GM) agricultural organisms include: plants with improved agronomic performance achieved by targeting traits; plants modified to reduce the costs associated with food processing, such as increased oil content or delayed ripening; cis-gene plants modified to reduce their susceptibility to diseases by introducing genes from wild variants of the same species; GM plants that are going to be utilised as producers of drugs or vaccines; and plants producing raw material for industrial applications like starch, fuels, or textiles (Myhr 2005: 44; Stirn 2005: 82; Marshall 2010).