Bisexuality is more common than most people-including perhaps most bisexuals-realize. Bisexual people are all around: single, in same-sex relationships, in heterosexual relationships, and in polyamorous relationships. ey may assume lesbian or gay or straight identities, according to their current  relationships, or  they may say nothing at all about their sexual orientation. Many do not talk about being bisexual because bisexuality confuses or threatens people or because people just do not understand. But a typical conversation I hear is this: “I’m actually bisexual, but because I’ve been with Ginny for 25 years, I don’t talk about it; it doesn’t seem to make sense. But it’s who I really am.” Or another is this: “Because I’m married and a father of two and very happy in my relationship, I’ve never talked about it. But I’m bisexual. I won’t act on it, because it would destabilize my marriage and life, but it’s something true about me.”