The quest for happiness and meaning in life can be seen as one of humanity’s most enduring concerns. In looking forward to what happiness and meaning may look like in a technological age, it is appealing to look backward first, and consider what happiness and meaning looked like in a pre-technological age. Written on a dozen 2,600 year old clay tablets, the Epic of Gilgamesh is considered to be the world’s oldest surviving story. This tale relates a fantastical series of adventures pursued by the king of Uruk, who ruled the Sumerian city 4,700 years ago 1 . Gilgamesh craved fame and adventure, leading to both great achievements and harrowing disappointments. The emotional core of this tale centers on a strange relationship, and a couple of odd quests the titular king pursues. The relationship is between Gilgamesh and a wild man, Enkidu, created by the god Anu to challenge the two-thirds divine Gilgamesh. At first rivals, they become friends.