Nanotechnology is forging a new frontier in agriculture and food production and could hold some promise for solving food security problems throughout the world. Recent research and development in agriculture and pesticides utilizes manufactured nano-particles and nanocapsules to enhance the efficiency of nutrients in vitamins and toxins in pesticides (Food and Water Europe, 2009). Vitamin producers are utilizing the small size of nanoparticles and the process of nanoencapsulation to increase bioavailability and absorption of nutrients (Schulz and Barclay, 2009). Also, nanotechnology is used to build better packaging to ship products, extend the shelf life of produce, and detect harmful bacteria before it reaches consumers' hands (Food and Water Europe, 2009). These developments represent new ways that technologies can enhance and strengthen the food system. The implementation of these technologies, or the prospects of implementing them, however, has not come without controversy (Friends of the Earth, 2008).