Business academics have increasingly turned attention to the role of organizations in fostering social change. One way in which organizations become engaged with social change is through issue sellers, individuals who act as change agents inside mainstream business organizations by trying to convince others to direct attention and resources to issues (Dutton & Ashford, 1993; Howard-Grenville, 2007; Sonenshein, 2006). Th is chapter unpacks not simply how individuals sell social issues, but more specifi cally, how individuals engage in issue selling as positive social change agents. By positive, I refer to goodness and generativity in terms of both processes and outcomes (Roberts, 2006). I highlight how shift ing the examination of the process of issue selling to a more positive perspective can help identify more positively oriented methods for social change agents to use to foster social change (positive issue-selling processes) and accomplish more positive outcomes (positive issue-selling outcomes).