IN writing this essay on the teaching of Science, I am not concerned immediately with Science as one amongst a number of subsidiary subjects in a school curriculum; for the aim of the essay is to try to evolve a method of education which the needs of the coming era will require, and it is written under the conviction that a new value and purpose must be claimed for Science, and that the education for the new era must be broadly based on Science. There are many signs that in the changes which are taking place in our educational system Science is beginning to take a more prominent position, and to have wider responsibilities in schools. The essay will attempt to consider the organization and outlook of Science teaching from the view-point of the new duty and service of Science. It is natural to expect that Science will take a larger part in education. Experimental Science has been the outstanding fact of the last century and a half, and during this period it has created a new industrial structure of society and produced startling changes in the social needs and relationships of life, and it is with the altered conditions that education will have to deal. Science has been able to make this great transformation by accentuating and disseminating a habit of thought and a method which are peculiarly its own. Briefly the aim of Science has been discovery, invention, and change, and its method has been that of testing, experimenting, and research. When, therefore, it is said that an education is based on Science, two things are implied.