MP for South Cardiff 1945-50, South East Cardiff 1950-83, Cardiff South and Penarth 1983-7. It is arguable that such a combination of economic, political and social pressures will not be repeated with the same intensity again because of the ending of the Cold War, the evolution of the European Union and the trade union legislation of the Thatcher administrations. In turn, the right charge that the bankruptcy of the Keynesians is revealed by the humiliation of Britain being the first developed country to apply for aid of this kind, and that in so accepting the need to reduce public expenditure the Labour government accepted the monetarist arguments. The political deals with the Liberals, Nationalists and Ulster Unionists were shrewd, his handling of the IMF crisis impressive and his international reputation high. In clinging to power through the winter of 1979, he lost much of his credibility and the Labour party much of its political coherence.