Shengmai San (SMS), a well-known traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula, has been prescribed for replenishing the Qi (vital energy), recuperating the pulse, rescuing patients from emergency and relieving from collapse. The Ancient Chinese also used SMS for the treatment of ‘chest bi-syndrome’ and ‘cardialgia’. With the recent advances in medical sciences and technology, particularly in the area of integration of Chinese and modern medicine, the complement of TCM with modern medicine, and vice versa, in terms of theory and practice has allowed the exploration into the wealth of TCM. The clinical applications of SMS have been expanded not only by the introduction of new dosage form, but also by the increased understanding of the mechanisms involved in the prevention and treatment of diseases afforded by SMS treatment (Cong 1980). Nowadays, SMS is widely accepted as one of the effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) in China, particularly for patients with myocardial malfunction (Qiu and Luo 1989). Nevertheless, fundamental differences in the theory between TCM and modern medicine have led to discrepancies in diagnosis and treatment for the same or basically similar diseases. These differences produce inconsistencies between TCM and modern medicine in the definition and nomenclature for certain diseases, like ‘chest bi-syndrome’ and ‘cardialgia’ versus CHD. Hence, the complementary benefits derived from the integration of TCM and modern medicine can definitely facilitate the upgrading of scientific research and therapeutic efficacy of TCM. The investigation of mechanisms involved in the prevention and treatment of CHD by SMS and its clinical applications will be described in the following sections.