In the world of construction the necessity of dealing with buildings not only as objects to be built, but as a complex system to be managed over time has recently becomes evident. The concept of a finished product is replaced by that of a building as a dynamic object, which might undergo different processes: changes of its uses, changes in its purposes, management of its different functions, ageing management, etc.

Thus it is important to obtain buildings not only flexible on the basis of predetermined solutions, but also buildings able to modify the management parameters as well as to fulfil further technical requirements which cannot be determined during the first and well-known design stage.

Hence comes the interest in the management. The paper intends to present a scientific undertaking of the National Research Council of Italy, named Progetto Finalizzato Edilizia, both in its details and as a whole.

The main aim of Progetto Finalizzato Edilizia is to set up a link between researchers and producer in order to trigger off a course of actions leading to modifications and innovations in the building field which can strengthen national experts on the European market.