Nestled in the verdant landscape of Samboja village in East Kalimantan the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) is a multidimensional initiative that seeks to develop practices of transformation and healing in the regeneration of the devastation wrought by global technologies of power in the pursuit of economic growth. One of the key elements of BOS is the eco-lodge, and while on one level it is designed to generate income for the project, the holistic nature of the overall design provides a striking example of an integrated tourism experience for visitors. This chapter uses a number of theoretical approaches to discuss the multifaceted nature of the BOS project. It is proposed here that we are living in a different world to the modernist world of subjectivity, social systems, and relationships to the natural world. Hence, it can be argued that the movement towards a different worldview and mindset involves the development of new ways of using language, and appropriate for the communication of this change is the notion of peace as critical ecological democracy.